Dedicated to the Betterment of Canadian Car and Truck Rental Industry

ACCRO – Who We Are

Associated Canadian Car Rental Operators (ACCRO) was formed to fill the need for the industry to band together on certain issues for the betterment of the car and truck rental industry in Canada.

Many regional and national franchise systems have dispersed or have been consolidated within larger organizations, which created a void for operators that were reliant on the franchisor for industry related supplies or who found themselves starting their own company. ACCRO fills this void by being the source for day-to-day tools required to operate the business. In addition to ACCRO’s evolution into a buyer’s group, today ACCRO offers industry training seminars and speaks on behalf of the car and truck rental industry in a government relations capacity.

ACCRO negotiates each year with the vehicle manufacturers to acquire volume incentives on behalf of its members.

Fleet insurance, one of the more critical parts of our industry is available through ACCRO. We have maintained a fleet insurance umbrella policy for more than 20 years, which allows qualified ACCRO members to insure their vehicles under this policy in an environment that makes it next to impossible to obtain insurance elsewhere.

Today, ACCRO has over 200 members with representation from coast, to coast, to coast.

The objectives of ACCRO are to:

  • Support the principles of ethical business practices and commercial integrity of those engaged in the daily rental of automobiles and trucks
  • Promote the best interests of car and truck rental operators, consistent with the public good
  • Promote a spirit of cooperation among members, and encourage them to affiliate with local, provincial, and other national associations
  • Acquire, preserve and disseminate data and information of value to its members, the industry and the public
  • Maintain good relations among customers, operators, suppliers and vehicle manufacturers
  • Promote motor vehicle and driver safety
  • Support safe, convenient, and adequate street and highway systems
  • Support laws and policies that benefit association members, the automobile industry and the public
  • Oppose unfair, unreasonable or discriminatory laws and regulations
  • Support the principles of private enterprise and a business climate that affords a reasonable opportunity for profitability and financial security

To contact ACCRO directly, or to let us know how this web site can better serve you, email us at


Industry News

Jul 18 2024-Latest vehicle recalls... Transport Canada has released its latest vehicle recalls which may affect some Hyundai vehicles. Jul 18 2024-Latest vehicle recalls... Transport Canada has released its latest vehicle recalls which may affect some Hyundai vehicles. Jul 11 2024-Latest vehicle recalls... Transport Canada has released its latest vehicle recalls which may affect some GM vehicles. Jul 9 2024-Latest vehicle recalls... Transport Canada has released its latest vehicle recalls which may affect some Toyota vehicles. Jun 29 2024-Latest vehicle recalls... Transport Canada has released its latest vehicle recalls which may affect some GM vehicles.
Copyright © 2020 Associated Canadian Car Rental Operators
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